5 Ways to Use SEO to Improve Blog Post Searchability
A large part of building a large audience for your blog is, of course, producing interesting and informative content. Another important factor is improving your blog SEO by making your blog posts searchable on major search engines such as Google and Bing. You can utilize a number of different apps, plugins and software packages to automatically integrate content SEO into your blog posts, but this may not always produce the most desirable (or readable) results.
For optimal searchability coupled with a blog post that reads smoothly and professionally, it’s better to manually integrate SEO keywords and keyphrases yourself (or at least retain the services of an experienced SEO professional to handle this task for you).
There are also quite a few ways to use content SEO to improve blog post searchability other than simply using keywords in the content. Utilizing some or all of these methods will serve to significantly improve your blog SEO ranking on major search engines.
1. Use Keywords on Blog Post Titles
Search engines will see a particular blog post as more relevant when it contains keywords that directly relate to an organic search. The title will also resonate more with the reader who entered the search query, making it more likely to be clicked on.
2. Use Keywords in Links
When linking to other blog posts (or your company website if applicable), be sure to use a detailed link containing keywords, rather than something generic, such as “Click here to read more.” For example, if you’re linking to a previous post about Google AdWords, it is preferable and more effective to write the link as “Learn more about how Google AdWords can drive traffic to your website.”
3. Add Tags to Your Blog Posts
Tags are keyword descriptors that summarize the main subjects of your blog post. Most blogging platforms have a feature enabling you to add tags. A post containing good keywords that are also included in the tags improves its searchability. This is accomplished by making it appear more relevant to the search engines.
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4. Crosslink
Link to prior blog posts that may contain similar themes or relevant information. And go back and add links to those blog posts leading to the new post. Crosslinking (and don’t forget to include keywords in those links) on reputable sites and related posts is a very effective SEO marketing method.
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5. Add Keywords to Images and Videos
Adding images and/or videos to a blog post is quite common and readers enjoy the visual aid. Use a short description for each video or image containing relevant keywords. You can even name the file with a keyword if possible.
What other ways can you think of to improve searchability using SEO?
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